Download Products / Data

On this page you find:

By downloading one of the provided datasets you agree to the Geo-Wiki disclaimer.
Currently we are providing data collected via the Geo-Wiki in raw format, with no filtering or error checking applied. Use at your own risk. In the future, we also will provide this data in a filtered and consolidated format with quality flags.

Geo-Wiki products

IIASA-IFPRI Cropland Map
The 1 km global IIASA-IFPRI cropland percentage map for the baseline year 2005 has been developed by integrating a number of individual cropland maps at global to regional to national scales. The individual map products include existing global land cover maps such as GlobCover 2005 and MODIS v.5, regional maps such as AFRICOVER and national maps from mapping agencies and other organizations.

zipped .img
58 MB

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Global Field Size Map
The global field size map has been produced at the same resolution as the global cropland map (1km) based on interpolation of field size data collected via a crowdsourced campaign using Geo-Wiki. A validation exercise revealed satisfactory agreement with control data, particularly given the relatively modest size of the field size dataset used to create the map. Both products will continue to be improved in the future.

zipped .img
14 MB

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General data downloads

Geo-Wiki validations
The Geo-Wiki Project gathers validation data for three global land cover datasets. On this page, you can download these validation results and use it for your own applications. Currently, we just support the download of KMZ-file format. More formats (like .shp) will be supported in the near future.

zipped .kml
1 MB


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AusCover Geo-Wiki validations
The National Dynamic Land Cover Dataset of Australia is the first nationally consistent and thematically comprehensive land cover reference for Australia. Download the validations of this dataset.

Excel (.xlsx)

up-to-date (processed on demand)

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USAID Hackathon results
Geo-Wiki users were asked to identify the presence of cultivated land and settlements in samples taken from Ethiopia, along with their confidence in doing so. These will be areas where land acquisitions may affect the local population so publishing a better map of land availability might help to stop these acquisitions in the future, preserve the livelihoods of the local population and improve local food security. The hackathon took place on September 14-16.
You can find more information on USAID's event page.
Find our final presentation video on Youtube.

Excel (.xlsx)

zipped CSV


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Land Cover Classification Competition II results
Owing to the importance of global land cover in disciplines such as climate change, food security and land-use modelling, the creation of a global land cover calibration and validation dataset is essential. To help us achieve this goal, we have established a global sample of validation points which we wanted to classify in this competition. Contributors were presented with pixels overlaid on Google Earth and we would like then to tell us what land cover types they can see up to a maximum of three classes. As most pixels contain multiple land cover types, this will provide us with valuable information for future validation of land cover maps and to get a better understanding on how much people have modified the landscape.
This competition took place between January and March 2012.

Excel (xlsx)


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Geo-Wiki pictures public data
Using our mobile phone app (Geo-Wiki pictures) users can upload automatically geo-referenced photos, tagged with information such as the compass direction and the angle of tilt. Users choose a classification and any other comments that they wish to add.
Download a kml-file with anonymized data of those uploads.

zipped .kml

up-to-date (processed on demand)

Please register / log in to see the download link.

Personal data downloads

Uploaded pictures
Using our mobile phone app (Geo-Wiki pictures) users can upload automatically geo-referenced photos, tagged with information such as the compass direction and the angle of tilt. Users choose a classification and any other comments that they wish to add.
Download a kml-file to overlay your uploads on Google Earth.

zipped .kml

up-to-date (processed on demand)

Please register / log in to see the download link.